

      I obtained my PhD in Genetics in 2000 at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, studying the evolutionary history of endogenous retroviruses in both Drosophila and humans. Then, I joined the Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular (IBMC), Universidade do Porto, as a postdoctoral researcher, working on the evolution of regulatory sequences in Drosophila. My work on these subjects gave rise to some publications in high-impact journals, such as Science or Molecular Biology and Evolution. By mid-2003, I joined the Spanish National Genotyping Center (CeGen) at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela to lead a pilot study on genetics of mental disorders. From 2006 to 2011, I was a senior researcher under the Isidro Parga Pondal program at the Fundación Pública Galega de Medicina Xenómica. During this period, I got my first grant as a Principal Investigator (FIS call 2005), and established my own research group on genetics of psychiatric diseases. From 2012 to 2019, I am a senior researcher under the Miguel Servet program at the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Santiago de Compostela (IDIS). Currently, I am a Health Researcher at SERGAS, leading the Psychiatric Genetics Group at IDIS, a multidisciplinary research group formed by geneticists and clinical psychiatrists. Part of my research on psychiatric genetics has been published in high-impact journals, such as Nature, Molecular Psychiatry, or Biological Psychiatry. During these years, I have been acting as a Reviewer for many journals, such as New England Journal of Medicine, Molecular Psychiatry, Schizophrenia Bulletin, Schizophrenia Research or Journal of Psychiatric Research.

I has published more than 100 scientific papers. A list of my publications can be found at Google Scholar. You can find more information at my ORCID page. You can e-mail me at or


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